Georgia department of corrections. Re-missioned for women in 1992.
Georgia department of corrections. gov means it’s official.
Georgia department of corrections The Human Resources department at GDC Headquarters is the primary human resources office for the Georgia Department of Corrections. ; For inactive volunteers - date on card is no more than 90 days past expiration. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections This page links to documents showing statistical trends in Georgia corrections. As North Regional Director, Caldwell will oversee the management of 15 state prison facilities throughout the North Georgia region. Jan 9, 2025 · Georgia Department of Corrections Press Releases. Aug 20, 2015 · Reports for PREA audits. As Warden, Odum will be responsible for overseeing all staff members and approximately 1,163 male offenders. Jun 8, 2023 · Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the reassignment of Gregory Sampson to Warden at Dooly State Prison (SP), effective July 1, 2023. Jan 7, 2025 · He unveiled a series of recommendations to address long-standing problems, and he called for more than $600 million in additional funding for the Georgia Department of Corrections over the next 18 months. Feb 10, 2025 · Mark Agbaosi Promoted. – Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Antoine Caldwell to North Regional Director, effective January 1, 2024, following the retirement of his predecessor, Shay Hatcher. After a search, the following contraband was located: 32 cellphones, 1 iPad, 4336 grams of marijuana, 8 rolls of poker chips, 4 grinders, 104 cigars, 32 rolling papers, 28 charging blocks, 57 charging cords, 2 bags of protein powder, 3 lighters, 4 phone cases, 6 grams of hydrocodone, 21 grams The . The office provides accurate and timely information about the Georgia Department of Corrections and acts as the official spokesperson for the agency. Learn how to find and visit offenders using the Georgia Department of Corrections free online search tool and appointment system. As Deputy Warden of Security, Fulbright will be responsible for overseeing security staff members and 787 male offenders. The information you'll find on this page and in this section is helpful for loved ones of currently incarcerated offenders. Apr 1, 1991 · Opened: April 1, 1991 Security Level: Medium Visitation Days/Hours: Hours: 9:00am - 3:00pm Visitation Days: Saturday, Sunday, Sate Holidays Mission: Provide a sanctioning option for probationers who require more security or supervision than that provided by regular community supervision. gov” at the end of the address. The Georgia Department of Corrections protects the public by operating safe and secure facilities through the development of professional staff and effective offender management. In line with PREA national standards, facilities must be audited once in a 3-year audit cycle, and one-third of each facility type operated by an agency must be audited once per year. HR policy links for payroll, compensation and salary. Watson will be responsible for the overall management of GDC staff and will oversee the operations of the four main divisions of the GDC: Facilities, Administration & Finance, Health Jan 9, 2025 · The . Kemp, in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC), today announced historic budget infusion recommendations for the state's prison system following an in-depth and independent system-wide assessment of the Georgia corrections system by the consulting firm Guidehouse, Inc. As Director, Johnson will lead the operations and oversight of counseling services, cognitive CONSTRUCTED: 2011 CAPACITY: 1588 OPENED: 2011 MISSION: Ensure public safety and effectively house offenders while operating a safe and secure facility by housing medium or less security offenders as contracted by the State of Georgia. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections Feb 28, 2025 · The pages in the Friday Report are about adult offenders in both prisons and jails in Georgia. 2 billion annual operating budget to include state, federal, and other funds. Oct 8, 2024 · FORSYTH, Ga. As Warden, Jones will be responsible for overseeing staff members and approximately 1,076 male offenders. – In conjunction with the American Correctional Association (ACA), the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) announced Tyrone Oliver, GDC Commissioner has been elected to serve as one of eight members of the American Correctional Association’s (ACA) Executive Committee as President-elect for the 2025-2026 term. Mar 23, 2023 · The . Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections After serving time within the state's prisons, selected offenders are slowly reintegrated back into society with a job and enhanced prospects for stability through placement within one of the state's Transitional Centers. The State of Georgia is responsible for providing offenders with a constitutional standard of care when they are admitted to the Department's institutions. The Office of Communications is the agency's point of contact for all media inquiries from news organizations in Georgia, the United States and globally. ” Georgia Department of Corrections. CONSTRUCTED: 1968 CAPACITY: 2487 OPENED: 1968 SECURITY LEVEL: CLOSE/DEATH RENOVATED: 1998 VISITATION DAYS / HOURS: Diagnostic Offenders: Visitation Hours: 9:00am-1 Policy compliance unit links. Jan 8, 2025 · FORSYTH, Ga. – The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Joshua Fulbright, Unit Manager at Lee Arrendale State Prison (SP) to Deputy Warden of Security at Phillips SP effective October 1, 2024. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in . The process allows opportunities for offenders to reduce their length of stay in prison through satisfactory progress in educational, vocational, treatment programs, work assignments and good behavior. Employee Benefits At GDC, employee satisfaction is a key to a healthy and happy workplace. Search for adult offenders serving in Georgia Department of Corrections facilities by name, ID or case number, age, and other identifying information. Closed in 2011. Find an offender, visit an inmate, or learn about the mission and services of the Georgia Department of Corrections. – Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of James Spann from Warden at Lee State Prison (SP) to Warden at Ware State Prison effective October 16, 2024. Duke Blackburn represents the Third District which encompasses Carroll County Correctional Institute (CI), Charles D. – The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Shawn Sikes, Facility Regional Operations Coordinator at Jenkins Correctional Facility to Statewide Transitional Center (TC) Coordinator, effective January 1, 2025. Find out how the GDC moved its headquarters from Atlanta to Forsyth, and how it handles death row inmates and executions. – Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the reassignment of Roy Odum, from Warden at Ware State Prison (SP) to Warden at Valdosta SP effective October 16, 2024. CONSTRUCTED: 1991 CAPACITY: 246 OPENED: 1991 SECURITY LEVEL: MEDIUM MISSION: Provide housing for state offenders and a general labor force supporting Carroll County Government. As Warden, Spann will be responsible for overseeing all staff members and approximately 1,433 male offenders. gov” or “ga. Reopened May 2018 as a reentry facility for males. The mission of the Security Threat Groups (STG) Unit is to effectively validate STG related persons, gather intelligence on STG related criminal activities, and provide investigative support in all STG re-lated occurrences. Other information pertains to certain programs and services offered to offenders while they're incarcerated, and you'll find helpful information for certain sub-groups of incarcerated offenders. gov. John B. 01 (IID01-0002) Transitional Center Selection Criteria and Process; 215. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections 215. Oct 18, 2023 · Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the reassignment of Allen Dills to Warden at Metro Reentry Facility (RF) effective November 1st, following the retirement of current Warden Steven Perkins. The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) aims to eliminate sexual abuse in correctional institutions. The . Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections List of standing reports. As Warden, Thomas will be responsible for overseeing all staff members and approximately 1,235 medium-security male offenders. Ward announced the promotion of Alan Watson, Assistant Commissioner of Administration & Finance, to Chief of Staff effective November 1, 2021. Georgia Correctional Industries oversees the Department's Food Service Operations providing more that 39 million offender meals annually. Budget Services is responsible for the agency's $1. The academy provides basic and specialized training for GDC staff to better prepare them to accomplish the agency's mission of protecting the public, victims of crime, and agency staff by constantly seeking better ways to improve employee performance through training. The mission of the Georgia Department of Corrections Engineering and Construction Services (ECS) section is to provide safe and secure facilities by the design, construction and maintenance of the essential physical infrastructure as mandated by the Department's core mission to protect the public and staff. History of executions report shows a history of the methods of capital punishment in Georgia from 1735 to the present, and a list of all executed inmates since 1924. For offenders in county jail, visit the county’s website. Research has shown that offenders who have the opportunity to reenter the community after a stay in Reentry and Cognitive Programming are up to 1/3 more likely to succeed in The . Jan 2, 2024 · Antoine Caldwell Promoted FORSYTH, Ga. Dills will be responsible for overseeing staff members and approximately 355 medium and minimum-security male offenders at the special mission facility. Welcome to The Georgia Department of Corrections official website including information on offenders, prison, probation, and incarceration facilities, resources for victims, and general public information about Georgia Corrections operations. GCI Food Service and Agribusiness programs produce over 40% of the food items utilized within the offenders’ menu, with products privileged to carry the Georgia Grown Label. Important note: You must be on a recipient’s approved visitor list to use any payment method. ” Oct 8, 2024 · FORSYTH, Ga. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections Oct 20, 2021 · Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Timothy C. Oct 9, 2024 · FORSYTH, Ga. Links to Policy-Reentry. The Annex provides the following outside details: Correctional Industries, Department of Transportation, City of Valdosta, (1 detail), Lowndes County (3 details), Valdosta State Prison (2 details), Department of Transportation (Weigh Station), City of Adel and Maintenance (Outside Institution). RENOVATED: Construction began in January 2017. Review the different ways and the steps included below. . Requests for interviews with inmates may be denied when such interview would, at the discretion of the Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Regional Director, Warden, or Superintendent, jeopardize the security of the facility or center or the well-being of the inmate or staff. – Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Letitia Burks, Deputy Warden of Care and Treatment at Rutledge State Prison (SP) to Warden at Lee SP effective December 16, 2024. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections The Georgia Department of Corrections offers five different ways you can send money to a friend or family member currently incarcerated. Jan 7, 2025 · Atlanta, GA – Governor Brian P. Read the disclaimer agreement before using the service and verify the information through personal correspondence. CONSTRUCTED: 1993 CAPACITY: 156 OPENED: 2008 MISSION: House offenders in a safe and supportive setting that creates opportunities for positive change and reinforces moral behavior and meaningful employment, which facilitates appropriate community housing and successful citizenship within the community to which they return. – Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Mark Agbaosi, Deputy Warden of Security at Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison (GDCP), to Warden at Dooly State Prison, effective February 16, 2025. It is responsible for all human resources functions for the approximately 6,900 employees. Finance units that are part of GDC. “The Georgia Department of Corrections offers career and technical education programs regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or age including those with limited English proficiency. FORSYTH, Ga. The Offender Administration unit is the logistics center for approximately 50,000 offenders under supervision by the Georgia Department of Corrections. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections The . Oct 28, 2024 · On December 21 at Hancock SP, security staff noticed suspicious activity near the facilitywood line. Dec 2, 2024 · FORSYTH, Ga. The GDC’s Office of Legal Services (Legal Services) provides in-house counsel to the Commissioner and staff on a multitude of transactional legal matters, such as contracts, employment law issues, administrative regulations, legislation, and standard operating procedures. Find out the cutoff times, requirements, and procedures for visitation slots and waiting lists. Learn about the history, facilities, and operations of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC), an agency that operates state prisons in Georgia. Find information about offender search, court services, facility locations, inmate services, and more. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections CONSTRUCTED: 1954 CAPACITY:190, OPENED: 1954 SECURITY LEVEL: MEDIUM RENOVATED: 1991 MISSION: Provide housing for state and county offenders and a general labor force supporting Colquitt County Government. History of Executions Reports. Edwards represents the Twelfth District which encompasses Appling Integrated Treatment Facility, Augusta State Medical Prison, Augusta Transitional Center (TC), Bulloch County Correctional Institution (CI), Coffee Correctional Facility (CF) (Private), Effingham County CI, Emanuel Probation Detention Center (PDC), Emanuel Women’s Facility, Jenkins CF (Private), Montgomery State Prison CONSTRUCTED: 1980 for Males. Re-missioned for women in 1992. As TC Coordinator, Sikes is responsible for the supervision and support of the daily operations of the state's 13 The . Jun 8, 2023 · Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Joshua Jones to Warden at Hays State Prison (SP), effective July 1, 2023. As Warden, Burks will be responsible for overseeing all staff members and approximately 749 male offenders The . The website provides contact information, online search tool, and facility locations. Hudson Transitional Center (TC), Clayton County CI, Clayton TC, Coweta County CI, Harris County CI, Spalding County CI and West Central Integrated Treatment Facility. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections Dec 10, 2024 · FORSYTH, Ga. The Georgia Department of Corrections offers five different ways you can send money to a friend or family member currently incarcerated. Search for an offender currently in a GDC facility using the Offender Search service. 01 (IID01-0002) Attachment 1, Transitional Center Notification to Sheriff Georgia Department of Corrections. Learn how to request visitation with an inmate in Georgia state prisons. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections For currently active volunteers - date on card is within 90 days of expiration. – Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Antonio Johnson, Director of Reentry, Cognitive Programming, and Residential and Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) to Director of the Office of Reentry Services effective October 1, 2024. ; All others (including those whose cards are more than 90 days past expiration) must go through the new application process. gov means it’s official. Feb 29, 2024 · The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver announced the promotion of Micheal Thomas to Warden at Dodge State Prison (SP) effective March 1, 2024. The Performance Incentive Credit (PIC) Program is an incentive reentry process for eligible offenders. Whether it is top of the line health insurance, employee discounts, generous retirement packages, or other benefits, GDC has a wide range of employee incentives for you and your family for now and in the future. They contain statistical snapshots and trends in the populations and movements of offenders in the state prison system, on probation, on parole, and in local jails. Learn about GDC's mission, vision, reports, news, and opportunities. This includes comprehensive medical, mental health and dental services and all associated ancillary services. As Warden, Sampson will be responsible for overseeing staff members and approximately 1,706 male offenders. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “georgia. Facebook page for Georgia Department of Corrections X (Twitter) page for Georgia Department of Corrections Linkedin page for Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube page for Georgia Department of Corrections Georgia Department of Corrections. Find related topics and agencies for warrants, criminal records and more. All press releases from the GDC. (The Moss Group and Carter, Goble Lee (CGL)). Georgia Department of Corrections. Correctional Education Association for the United States Department of Education, Office of Correctional Education, concluded, “offenders who participated in education programs while incarcerated showed lower rates of recidivism after three years”--a 29% reduction--and their “wages were higher. CONSTRUCTED: 1963 CAPACITY: 240 OPENED: 1963 SECURITY LEVEL: MEDIUM RENOVATED: 1991 MISSION: Provide housing for state and county offenders and a general labor force supporting Hall County Government. Budget Services. uzzzyf lfpcz maows sbs cwzb svhhsn zfyz ewz vtaek fkhkep sse sbkm sgrneujwo nhksg dko